Saturday, April 22, 2017

Prompt #8

What do you think are the best ways to market your library's fiction collection? Name and describe three ways you do or would like to market your library or your future library's fiction. These can be tools, programs, services, displays - anything that you see as getting the word out.

Marketing is all about bringing something into the light and really making it shine. To effectively market our library’s fiction section, we must make sure that everyone is aware of it and all its potential.

The first marketing plan I have is to do a series of programs called ‘The World of Fiction’. This event would be held monthly and feature a different fiction genre each month. The themes could run from historical fiction to urban fiction, and other genres like mystery and fantasy as well. Librarians can dress according to that month’s theme, and bring a selection of novels that fit the genre to the meeting. The group will discuss the attributes of novels in the featured fiction genre that are universal.

My second marketing plan is to have a staff picks fiction display. Staff will pick a fiction book of their choosing to be put on display, and post a short blurb underneath it along with its genre. The blurb will include some of the highlights the librarian saw in the book and a little background information.

My third marketing strategy is to set up a display that changes periodically to feature fiction books that align in plot or major attributes with up-coming major motion picture releases. If a new major zombie movie comes out, the display will feature fiction books revolving around zombies. If a major comic book movie is coming out, the display may feature comic books from the same franchise. This way the library can use the movie marketing as a way to promote their own fiction collection!

1 comment:

  1. Great prompt response! You've got some innovative ideas that can definitely help! Full points!
