Sunday, March 5, 2017

Graphic Novels

As a textbook definition, graphic novels are a novel in a comic-strip format. They combine their narratives with expressive artwork that helps to convey important pieces of the plot and perspective. Rising in popularity, graphic novels are taking their place in libraries for a wide variety of ages. Comic books have a fond history in the United States, especially as the medium for comic book superheroes. Marvel and DC Comics are two of the top publishers for the superhero market, and their long-time standing and recent movie craze prove their popularity.  Recently, the Japanese inspired manga are also becoming prevalent in the United States and other western countries. Graphic novels are more than just adult picture books, and offer a wide variety of genres and styles within their category. The graphic novel section offers readers a whole different experience for readers, and a plentiful well of resources for reader’s advisory.

Despite offering works in fiction and nonfiction, most patrons turn to graphic novels as a form of pleasure reading. For the study of reader’s advisory, it is important to understand what the library patrons are in the mood for. Often times, the best ways to understand what your patron is looking for is by keeping up to date on all the different book genres. This can mean through one’s personal experience of having read the book, or using tools such as lists and reviews to help deliver a recommendation (Vnuk, 2016). One of the advantages of a graphic novel is that they are often a fairly fast read. This is mainly do the fact that a key part of the story is not delivered in just in words, but also through pictures. Librarians can grasp snapshots of graphic novels by quickly flipping through the ages, or reading the first book of a series in their downtime. Patrons can also provide quick feedback during an interview through the same process.

Despite the recent up rise in popularity for the graphic novel genre, not all of the attention they have received has been positive. Graphic novels have also come under some controversy with some groups pushing an agenda to ban them. Due to the imagery that some graphic novels contain, they have come under attack as a genre. Even through many novels with more descriptive phrases exist on the same shelve, the more adult or graphic nature depicted in the images of a graphic novel are viewed to be a more severe issue. Many comic books and graphic novels don’t really contain any objectionable material however. Understanding the opposition that some carry against graphic novels is one way to fight the prejudiced against it so that everyone can have the opportunity to find a work in this genre they enjoy.

Vnuk, R. (2016, July 8). Jack of All Trades Readers’ Advisory: How to Learn a Little About a Lot. Retrieved March 3, 2017, from Public Libraries Online,

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