Monday, October 23, 2017

Youth Lit Blog #4

by Steve Sheinkin

Hardcover: 266 pages

Subject Headings: 

Children’s literature, History, War


Fast-paced, Nonfiction, WWII

Plot Summary:

Bomb tell the story of the race to build one of the most dangerous weapons in modern history. This book explores some of the people behind the research and experiments to build the atomic bomb, along with the attempts made by spies to steal its secrets. This narrative nonfiction is a fast-paced read that does a great job introducing the epic of the atomic bomb in America. This is especially great for a youth nonfiction novel, because it reads more like an action story than a history textbook. I think this would be a great supplementary read for history classrooms teaching WWII, because it is an exciting way to help youth learn more about the facts behind the Manhattan Project. The book also introduces some very important figures like Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Leslie Groves, Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, Harry Gold, and many more. I thought it was a great read, and would defiantly recommend it. This book hits so many check-marks for youth; spies, history, science, action, and adventure.


  1. Good review. I also agree that it would be a great supplemenatry read for a history classroom teacher.

  2. Brandi,

    Yours is the last one! Before the semester ended I wanted to make sure to look at everyone's blogs...not just the ones in my cohort group for a grade...and yours was the last one on Annette's list. I loved your your blog kind of a noir feel which suits several of your book choices.

    I read a couple of books by Sheinkin this semester but I haven't gotten to Bomb yet. That's still on my list. One of our assignments was around accuracy in nonfiction and I know that Sheinkin has come under some fire for embellishing his narrative a bit, but I find him eminently readable and interesting. So long as he gets the facts right, I'm fine with him "setting the stage" if you will for conversations and such for which he can't provide EXACT supporting documentation. Nice work!
